The 3 Pillars of a Great Transportation Brokerage Partner for E-Commerce Importers

transportation brokerage

E-commerce is one of the fastest-growing shipping truckload segments of the U.S. economy and has seen continued growth and expansion for the past several years. Consumer habits continue to change and adapt while the power and versatility of the internet fuel e-commerce as people make more and more purchases online. According to the latest report from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, transportation brokerage services are essential to accommodate these growing trends: “Advances in economic activity have led to increasing volumes of imports of small, just-in-time packages, creating inspection challenges. E-Commerce shipments pose the same health, safety, and economic security risks as containerized shipments, but the volume is higher and growing.” But even in that case, customs experience is only a portion of the factors setting winning brokerages in e-commerce apart from the laggards. Furthermore, one of the easiest ways to account for shifting market trends and consumer demands involves partnering with a skilled and experienced broker to help transportation companies manage and monitor the supply chain network more efficiently. And that begins with identifying the three essential pillars or qualities of service to look for when selecting a brokerage for your import needs.

Tap Into DRAYAGE EXPERTISE With Transportation Brokerage

Drayage to delivery services make up a critical component of transportation operations as they work to move shipping containers between railway terminals, seaports, or warehouses. At its most simplistic level, drayage is a short-distance overland transport of a container. This may seem pretty straightforward in logistics and management, but it can become quite complicated and involved. A transportation brokerage firm can assist with the day-to-day management of drayage services. With expert insight and guidance, avoiding excessive fees and streamlining the transportation process through drayage phases becomes faster and easier than ever.

CLOSER WAREHOUSING Improves Operational Turnaround Time

The ability to store goods, containers, cargo, essential supplies, and equipment closer to ports and loading areas can significantly improve loading and unloading average turnaround times. As warehouse space dries up due to changes caused by pandemic shutdowns and shifting consumer buying habits, many ports are busier than ever—many to the point that new customers cannot get proper accommodation or secure capacity when needed. An experienced transportation brokerage provider can help set up and maintain a warehouse management system (WMS) to help organize and streamline processes as much as possible. E-commerce growth and trends have put unprecedented levels of stress and pressure on supply chain managers today. Operating from local warehouses and maintaining a close eye on current trends and marketing predictions makes it easier to improve operational turn times for loading and unloading requirements at every warehouse system utilized.


With the proper setup and an outstanding management team on hand, e-commerce transportation service providers can work with shippers and carriers. With a good foundation in place, they can get more drivers scheduled, avoid delays at the port, collaborate effectively with vendors, work with customs officials, and improve overall performance within the supply chain. A freight broker serves as the middleman between the shipper charged with moving cargo and the carrier that has the capacity and fleet needed to accomplish this. Maintaining good brand and vendor reputation is always a priority and therefore brokers must offer a complete array of services that transcend all modes and demands. This process delivers successful results that allow for added convenience for each shipper, and makes coordinating with and selecting a carrier simpler and more manageable.

Get All 3 Transportation Brokerage Pillars in One by Partnering With PortCity

Building strong, mutually beneficial relationships with supply chain team members is the key to a successful business. Frequently, it takes an outside perspective to see what areas need improvement and where potential problem areas may lie. Working with a transportation brokerage service provider can be an effective way to provide the best service to customers and improve transportation services from end to end. Contact PortCity today to ensure the three transportation pillars get well established and reinforced for whatever the e-commerce market has in store.

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